Resources for everyone
Welcome to this page dedicated to help others get involved, learn more and support those who need it.

Did you know that you could help save someone's life by just being seizure first aid trained.
Epilepsy foundation have some amazing training courses, 100% free to help you understand and learn.
You could be helping someone feel less lonely and support them during school or work.
So what can you do, to help fundraise and spread awareness for Epilepsy?
Purple Day on the 26th of march is a brilliant opportunity for any educational place including nurseries and schools where you can all come together to teach and fundraise for epilepsy. You could help make a real difference in some peoples lives. You could very easily just show your support by dressing up in purple and taking part in purple activities.
If you need any help participating in a event young epilepsy have some amazing resources for all ages which can help you during your fundraising or learning experience.

Other ways that you can help and support someone with epilepsy is ensuring those living with epilepsy receive the correct support. Any work environment for adults or schools for children should ensure each person has an individual health care plan and that they should have policies on supporting them with their mental health and medical conditions. Providing good communication skills and following the Equality Act will help the school, adult, child and their parents feel more comfortable. Please share this guide with your school or work environment to help others understand more. Epilepsy can affect learning and working in multiple ways including:
Seizure-related factors e.g. tiredness
Side effects of anti-seizure medications
Having epilepsy co-occurring conditions, including emotional disorders
Psychological and psychosocial issues
The underlying cause of their epilepsy
Some of my favourite epilepsy charities and their websites are linked down below, to help you find some more information and support!